("In a nutshell, this interview is about ____.")
(Ex: growing your dental practice, marketing a dental practice, what not to do when marketing your dental practice, public speaking, wealth creation, your mindset, protecting your assets, building a business, saving on taxes, freelance bookkeeping, etc.)
("This interview will focus on ____.")
(Ex: using referral to get more business; getting more traffic to your website; how a dentist went from bankrupt to making his first million; getting ready for your next hire; etc.)
("The audience really wants to (VERB) ____.")
(Ex: get more referral; get more business; do more dentistry; get more location; etc.)
("The audience also wants to (VERB) ____.")
(Ex: make more money doing what you love; get more visibility; do more with less time; get more implant cases; etc.)
("The audience also really wants to (VERB) ____.")
(Ex: sell more dentistry without being pushy; get more locations and revenues; do better in their personal life; increase their wealth, visibility, etc.)
("The audience really wants to know (how to) ____.") ** Include "how to" in answer. **
(Ex: how to succeed in dentistry; how to use dentistry to build the life you love,; how to get more patients in less time clients; how to ace your next OSHA exam, etc.)
("On this interview we'll also reveal ____.")
(Ex: a cool app to help you manage your practice; how to automate your life using virtual assistants; how to get ready for tax time in just 2 weeks; etc.)
** One thought / item per line per line becomes bulleted list
(Ex: Education, Experience, Awards & Recognition, Accomplishments, Fun Facts, Obstacles Overcome, etc.)
("For more info, check out ____.")
(Ex: My Awesome Company at www.wearecool.com; Bob's newest book at BobsNewBookl.com, free download at getthedownload.com
(Ex: How to Stress Less and Make More with Tim McNeely, Top Mistakes to NOT make in your Dental Practice, ect.)
** One question or bullet per line. This will be used to create a bulleted list on "Show Notes" and helps your Interview get found
** One question or bullet per line. This will be used to create a bulleted list on "Show Notes" and helps your Interview get found
Tim McNeely. CFP, CIMA
© The Dental Exit Institute, The Dental Wealth Alliance, Dental Wealth Nation, and The LifeStone Companies - All Rights Reserved
This material is intended to be used for educational purposes and does not constitute a solicitation to purchase a security or investment advisory services.
Some material on this site has been researched and prepared by BSW Inner Circle and its affiliates, CEG Worldwide, LLC and AES Nation, LLC. Timothy J McNeely has retained AES Nation to conduct research and prepare informational materials for his use. Mr. McNeely is a member of CEG Roundtable and pays an annual fee for these services. Mr. McNeely is involved in these activities and they are outside business activities.
The information provided is intended to be educational in nature and not advice relative to any investment or portfolio offered. The views expressed reflect the opinion of the writer based on data available as of the date this book and is subject to change without notice. This material has been distributed for informational purposes only and should not be considered as investment advice or a recommendation of any particular security, strategy or investment product. This is not intended to be used as a general guide to investing, or as a source of any specific recommendation. They are not intended to constitute legal, tax, securities or investment advice or a recommended course of action in any given situation.
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