While financial prosperity is generally viewed as advantageous, possessing substantial wealth doesn't automatically guarantee a life free of complications or ensure personal fulfillment.
As a successful professional, business owner, or individual with significant wealth, you've likely considered the risks posed by today's lawsuit-prone environment. Your financial success could make you a target for baseless litigation.
As a successful dental entrepreneur, you've worked hard to build your practice and secure your financial future. However, financial fraudsters are increasingly targeting professionals like you with substantial assets. Even more alarming: These scammers are becoming increasingly adept at separating you from your hard-earned wealth.
As a driven dental entrepreneur looking to make smart decisions about your practice and personal finances to create a life of significance, one of your biggest goals should be to ensure you're getting value from your professional advisors—the practice management consultants, financial planners, lawyers, accountants, and similar experts you rely on for guidance. This becomes especially crucial as your dental practice grows over time and your business and financial concerns become increasingly complex.
Surprises in dentistry can be wonderful—like discovering a perfect margin on your crown prep. But when it comes to financial surprises in your dental practice? Those tend to be less exciting.
Confused by the often-complex world of life insurance? If so, you’re not alone. This report will take you through some of the main types of life insurance and how each works—so you can better decide what type might be right for you and the people you care about most.
"Success Syndrome." It's an increasingly common term used to describe the extreme negative attitudes and actions—sometimes destructive behaviors—of some children from highly successful dental practices.
The number of pet-owning households in the U.S. has reached an all-time high—70%, up from 56% in the late 1980s. During the pandemic alone, about 23 million households (one in five) welcomed a new pet into their homes. As a dental entrepreneur, you're likely part of this large group—comprising roughly 90 million families—who consider their pets as cherished family members. In fact, a Consumer Affairs study of 1,000 pet owners found that 57% of participants aged 27 to 42 love their furry companions more than their siblings.
As a successful dentist who has built a thriving practice, estate planning—the process of how you transfer your wealth to heirs and others—is crucial. It ensures that your loved ones, including your family and perhaps key staff members, are adequately provided for and taken care of.
Look, I know what you’re thinking: Punk rock. Eh, who cares? Well, let me tell you why this isn’t just about the music; it’s about an entertaining evening that anyone can enjoy, even if you’ve never headbanged in your life.
Discover the Transformative Impact of Habitual Generosity: Explore How Giving More Can Propel Success for Driven Dental Entrepreneurs in a world filled with abundance and opportunity.
The changing retirement landscape has dentists considering un-retiring. Explore the motivations and financial implications of returning to dental practice.
Dental entrepreneurs: Learn the importance of valuing your practice correctly. Explore six valuation methods and consider hiring a specialist for the best outcome.
Discover the importance of estate planning for dentists. Learn about wills and trusts, and how to use them effectively for wealth transfer and probate avoidance.
Did you know that there are nine high-net-worth personality types? These are unique sets of attitudes about money, wealth and why we make the financial decisions we do. You yourself may fall into one of the nine high-net-worth personality categories.
© The Dental Wealth Alliance is a LifeStone Company - All Rights Reserved
This material is intended to be used for educational purposes and does not constitute a solicitation to purchase a security or investment advisory services. Some material on this site has been researched and prepared by BSW Inner Circle and its affiliates, CEG Worldwide, LLC and AES Nation, LLC. Timothy J McNeely has retained AES Nation to conduct research and prepare informational materials for his use. Mr. McNeely is a member of CEG Roundtable and pays an annual fee for these services. Mr. McNeely is involved in these activities through The LifeStone Companies.
Some materials is published by the VFO Inner Circle, a global financial concierge group working with affluent individuals and families and is distributed with its permission. Copyright by AES Nation, LLC. This report is intended to be used for educational purposes only and does not constitute a solicitation to purchase any security or advisory services. Past performance is no guarantee of future results. An investment in any security involves significant risks and any investment may lose value. Refer to all risk disclosures related to each security product carefully before investing..
*Timothy J McNeely is an Investment Advisor Representative. All investment advisory services are offered through a RIA. The LifeStone Companies are not owned or legally affiliated with RIA and the activities conducted by Mr. McNeely under The LifeStone Companies are considered educational activities and are separate outside business activities.
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